The Challenge
- Time-delaying manual processes of generating Load-sheets and NOTOCs by Load Control Officers (LCOs) and obtaining their sign-offs on tarmac from Captain and Load Master pre-departure
- Added burden of using critical air-side resources and infrastructure in a live operational area posing an air safety risk
The Solution
- Combination of ARMS® Load & Trim (LNT) application with the ARMS® on TAB (AOT) mobility system, achieving the distribution e-Loads-heets and e-NOTOCs to Captains and Load Masters for their digital sign-off
- Simultaneous distribution to multiple agencies, utilizing ARMS Notifications Engine in multiple compatible formats, digital and print
The Result
- Enhanced safety in the load control process
- Reduction of TAT by 100% with complete automation of a manual task
- Alignment with SLK’s initiatives for paperless workflows
- Increased Tarmac Safety